6 Best Coffee Tables for Tiny Spaces

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There isn’t much room for coffee tables for tiny spaces is there? The coffee table has made its way into our common living rooms by “acting” as a boring compulsory item and transforming itself into a critical piece of furniture that single people and couples, both young and old enjoy buying. 

However, it can be extremely beneficial to have a coffee table for eating, drinking, entertaining, and so much more. That’s why we have put together this list, just for you!

small coffee tables

The Best Coffee Tables for You!

Although it should only be used for drinking a piping hot cup of coffee while you lounge on your space-saving couch in your compact living space. But have you thought about what the best coffee table could be for your small space?

If you haven’t, in this article we share six coffee tables for small spaces that can save you a lot of space and make your space more stylish also. 

Nornas Coffee Table

This coffee table is the best coffee table for people who like to do things themselves 80% of the time.

What do we mean by this?

The Normas coffee table comes in a box with pieces you need to assemble into a table, you don’t need to saw or sand down any wood.

In addition, the pieces in the box are completely untreated, which means it’s a canvas you can oil, stain, paint, cover in cup rings. Or just leave as it is to add a tasteful addition to your tiny space.

Cara Coffee Table

In all honesty, the cara coffee table gives the impression of what people from the 19th century thought coffee tables would look like in the future.

When you see the glass-paneled shelf in between the two storage compartments this impression is amplified.

This coffee table also works to nurture peace of mind by giving a clear view of items you’ve stored away so that you never have those “where are my car keys”! Moments ever again. 

To top it up, this coffee table is a breeze to move at only 52 pounds.

small coffee table

Gallery Coffee Table

This star wonder table  has a glass top that can be detached for you to store magazines, records, store books, or anything else you like. 

The tapered metal wire legs create a distinct contemporary look. A contemporary look strong enough to support your tired heavy beautiful legs.

Tiered Circles Coffee Table

The tiered circular coffee table from west elm works on the more unconventional side, and we’re all aware that there’s nothing wrong with that. Its three multi-level tiers provide you with the power to liberate your living space from clutter while making a powerful statement at the same time.

The Hokku Designs Breean Coffee Table

Although it’s hard to believe the Hokku design coffee table is only 72 pounds, it also has some additional weight with all the style influx it comes with.

It’s practical in the sense that it has a lot of extra storage to store anything you want inside its cubby or on top of its shelf. Be sure to toss some coasters on top of the coffee table to avoid any nasty cup rings from forming. 

Antique Brass Storage Coffee Table

This kind of coffee table is referred to as the “secret stasher” because its top lifts open like a drop-top, developing a desk with a belly that stores your “private” stash. 

Apart from adding class and elegance to your home, this wood-only coffee table can store big items like books, toys, blankets, and pillows. Treat your space and yourself with any of these coffee tables, you’ll be glad you did.

The Coffee Tables for Tiny Spaces in Your Home!

There you have it, the best coffee tables for tiny spaces in your home. Not only can you find something elegant and beautiful, but all of these selections are practical. All in all, finding the best coffee tables for tiny spaces is easy!

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