Children Bedroom Design: Playful Touches & A Bit Of Sophistication

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Children Bedroom Design

As parents, we always want what’s best for our children. However, this doesn’t mean decorating their bedroom with lots of princesses or other cartoon characters. It’s true; the room must stimulate the kid’s creativity and must offer a comfortable atmosphere. Still, putting a few Disney princesses on the wall and painting the furniture green will only create chaos.

So, if you feel your decoration ideas are lacking in style, take a look at the ideas and guidelines we put together below.

Don’t scrimp on style

The kids’ bedroom is the perfect place to be as bold as you want. Regardless of the space you have available you can create a magical world where junior will feel safe and comfy. The best part is that you can combine the world of kids with the world of adults. For instance, you can use elegant lighting ideas or you can create a well-organized play corner.

One of the best ways you can make sure junior is comfy and the room is always organized is storage space. There must be lots of places where toys can be stored when junior is bored with them. This will increase the space visually and will create the idea of cleanliness.

The elegant chair

We all did it: wait beside the bed or crib until junior falls asleep. But you don’t have to sit on an uncomfortable chair! Actually, since this is the parents’ chair, it can be as elegant and as comfy as you want.

The chair will add a touch of elegance and luxury to the room and it will definitely improve the style. Don’t worry that it will be contrasting with the rest of the furniture! It is a nice touch that talks about gorgeous design choices. Even more, it will be a nice connection with the luxurious design in the rest of the house. Also, you can complete the design with a textured wall mural that depicts legendary characters.

Simple lines

Many parents tend to think that funny-looking furniture and tons of stuffed bears will make the room more appealing. However, a simple yet comfortable bed and a few beautiful pieces of furniture that implement simple lines go better. The atmosphere can be boosted with colorful window curtains or a special lighting system that compliments the overall elegant style.

The walls

No, princesses and goblins should not be on the wall. These belong in the book. If you want to improve the walls, you can always consider wall stickers. These are very trendy right now and you can choose one that blends perfectly with the rest of the room.

For instance, in the nursery, you can implement a colorful sticker that stimulates creativity. Even more, when junior starts drawing on the walls, you can always add a few chalkboard stickers. These will add in style and also protect the walls.

Kids Table and Chairs

Another great addition to a kids bedroom is a set of table and chairs. This doesn’t only help kids actually kids sit in a place but it’s awesome for their creativity. It’s also a great decor idea since it adds even more color and helps to maintain a happy mood. You can check our review with the best kids table and chairs set to choose the best one for your little ones.

A special place for friends

There won’t be long until junior starts making friends. Regardless of the fact that they are 3 or 9, kids will want to play together. This is why you should create a nice place where kids can play safely without too much adult supervision.

A small sofa that invites girls to sit and talk or a piece of space where boys can build a fort is definitely a must. You can use spaces like large window sills or the foot of the bed to create comfortable areas without eating up space in the room.

A splash of color

Of course, a stylish kid’s bedroom doesn’t have to be boring. A splash of color is always welcome, as long as it’s not all about it. You can either make the bed colorful or you can purchase colorful fluffy rugs that junior will love.

In the end, style is all about balance. The right combination of elegance and fun will create the perfect room for your kid and it will definitely have a positive impact on his/her early years.

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