3 Ways to Design Your Dream Home

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You have all these incredible ideas in your head, but a contractor cannot pick them from your head? You have to get those ideas from your head to someplace tangible. But how? Read on for three ways to design your dream home, so it gets built.

Use 3D Rendering Services

 If you think 3D rendering services are just for the pros, then you’re wrong! Imagine describing your dream home or sending in sketches and then getting a 3D version of the house before it’s even built! You get to fly through your dream home and rework certain design aspects, add in that extra room after all, and finally decide that maybe a black roof can work. Using 3D rendering services can be fun and a lot less expensive than actually building the house.

With a 3D rendering, you can even afford to make some natural mistakes for your home to become your dream home. And the designer may be able to clue you into new ideas that you hadn’t considered or opinions that may not work realistically for your home. Everything comes to light when you get to see a 3D version of a house that has only existed in your mind.

3d rendering for home design

Search House Plans For Your Dream Home

Though the idea may be in your brain, perhaps someone else had a similar idea once before or your space is in an unusual shape? After all, art begets art, and development of no great idea was possible without inspiration from another. Maybe that farmhouse with the metal roof and the wrap around porch was someone else’s idea first. It wouldn’t hurt to search around on various sites for house plans.

And yes, everyone wants their home to be original and the only one like it, so even if you decide on a house plan that you found online, you can still make unique customizations to the plan to make the house your home. Either way, it’s something tangible that you can take to a contractor that will get built.

Draw Your Dream Home Up

If the idea of customizing someone else’s ideas doesn’t sit right with you, or if you have such a unique idea trapped in your head that you can’t find a house plan online that is even remotely close to it – then consider drawing it up yourself. You can use an online template, call up your artistic cousin, or also use a design/build contractor.

Drawing your own home

Whatever route you decide on, it’s best to draw the designs yourself first. It’s a lot harder to explain to someone else who is drawing the plans than it is to show them your rough draft. And who knows? You may be so pleased with your draft that you can send it straight to a contractor and start making some real concrete plans. And if you’re not an artist, it is not a big deal to get someone else to draw up your plans at all. The entire goal is to live in your dream house, not just draw it.

Do You Think It’s Difficult to Design Your Dream Home?

Designing the house of your dreams doesn’t have to be as difficult as you think. Use one or more of the ideas listed here to get your plan on paper. And be open to new suggestions and ideas from whatever artists or professionals with whom you work. Remember, the goal is to live in the house, not just design it!

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